150.0 USD 150.00
Responsible Jacob Tingen
Last Update 05/29/2024
Completion Time 50 minutes
Members 1
  • Introduction to Custom GPTs in ChatGPT
    2Lessons · 6 min
    • Introduction to Custom GPTs in ChatGPT
    • Discussion with Warren
      10 xp
  • Getting Setup
    3Lessons · 8 min
    • Overview of the GPTs platform
      10 xp
    • ChatGPT Settings and Builder's Profile
      10 xp
    • GPT Menu Items
      10 xp
  • Creating a Custom GPT
    7Lessons · 24 min
    • Overview of Creating a GPT (Actions beyond scope)
      10 xp
    • Reflection: Should you create a Custom GPT?
    • Create Tab
      10 xp
    • Configure Tab
      10 xp
    • Configure Tab: Additional Settings
      10 xp
    • Best Practices
      10 xp
    • Publishing & Editing
      10 xp
  • Custom GPT Examples
    2Lessons · 6 min
    • Creating a GPT: Better Negotiator
    • Creating a GPT: RPG Character Architect
  • Conclusion
    2Lessons · 6 min
    • Recap Discussion with Warren
    • Conclusion